The revitalization of Pancasila ideology has become crucial in the post-Reformation era, considering that Pancasila once lost its role as the nation's ideological foundation. Presidential Decree No. 24 of 2016 was issued as a response to address the historical distortion that occurred during the New Order period, which marginalized Bung Karno's role in the formation of Pancasila. However, there has been little research that comprehensively discusses the impact of this Presidential Decree on the revitalization of Pancasila and the mainstreaming of its ideology in state policies after the Reformation. This study employs a qualitative design with a descriptive-analytical approach to explore the meaning and implications of the decree. The results of the study indicate that Presidential Decree No. 24 of 2016 successfully corrected historical inaccuracies and re-established Pancasila’s position as a dynamic ideology. The establishment of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) is a strategic step in ensuring that Pancasila's values are integrated into every government policy, allowing Pancasila to function as a living and contextual ideology. The implications of this research show that the revitalization of Pancasila through government policies is not only important for correcting historical narratives but also for ensuring that Pancasila remains relevant and adaptive in addressing ideological challenges in the globalization era.