Granì 4:11-18 (
On the draught of two millenniums humanity leaned on partial and separate numerical, voice, to the color and verbal facilities of cognition. Peculiar to history of society absolutizing of partial and separate facilities resulted in personifications and counterproductive development of mathematical, natural, technical and humanitarian directions of cognition. It not only removed truths from cognition but also deprived societies of possibility to lean against exact, reliable, reliable knowledge as basis of effective control system. The aim of our research consists in creation qualitatively of the new system of cognition, that combines and exposes copulas between separate before numbers, sounds, words and colors as by the main terms of progressive development of humanity. Practical realization of the put aim stipulated the necessity of decision of fundamental tasks of related to opening of organization of existence, structure of facilities of cognition and mechanisms them practical organization. The results presented in research allowed to model organization of higher, middle and more subzero facilities of cognition that expose mechanisms of functioning and development of inorganic, organic and spiritual existence. On the whole the kontaminaciyna model of cognition includes 12 modules from that first six expose the structure of facilities of cognition, and other six system of facilities of transformations. Thus each of levels of organization of existence opens up by means of four modules, two from that expose the structure of the realized and subconscious facilities of cognition, and following two structure of the realized and subconscious facilities of transformations. For example, each of levels of organization of the both realized and subconscious, facilities of cognition includes the dependent numerical, voice, coloured and concept facilities correlative. As for the system of the realized and subconscious facilities of transformations, their basis is made by the ascending and descending forms of organization of motion of matter, energy, information and organization of elements of life. Fixed in basis of research of mul’timodal’na logician allowed to expose dialectical nature of mechanisms of bifurcations, synthesis, freymuvannya and clusterizations as main condition of forming on principle of new control system by processes development of man, state and society, on the way of mastering of space.