Background. Responsible clinical research drives the advancement of healthcare. Despite tremendous improvements in the globalresearch and development environment since the 1950s, low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are often left behind. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, operational, social, ethical and regulatory challenges in LMICs make it difficult for researchers to conduct clinical studies in those settings in line with international requirements. Secondly, many people living in low-resource settings distrust research because some past studies have not benefited the participants or the communities involved.Objectives. To present the consensus recommendations by a Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) Working Group on how to advance good-quality, ethical clinical research in resource-limited settings.Methods. CIOMS convened a Working Group of senior scientists from drug regulatory authorities, the pharmaceutical industry, publicprivate partnerships for product development, and academia.Results. This article summarises the Working Group’s report.Conclusion. The report recommendations can foster the creation of a more enabling ecosystem for clinical research and promotecollaboration between policymakers, regulators, researchers and funders.