A desirable property of a diversity index is strict concavity. This implies that the pooled diversity of a given community sample is greater than or equal to but not less than the weighted mean of the diversity values of the constituting plots. For a strict concave diversity index, such as species richness S, Shannon''s entropy H or Simpson''s index 1-D, the pooled diversity of a given community sample can be partitioned into two non-negative, additive components: average within-plot diversity and between-plot diversity. As a result, species diversity can be summarized at various scales measuring all diversity components in the same units. Conversely, violation of strict concavity would imply the non-interpretable result of a negative diversity among community plots. In this paper, I apply this additive partition model generally adopted for traditional diversity measures to Aczél and Daróczy''s generalized entropy of type . In this way, a parametric measure of -diversity is derived as the ratio between the pooled sample diversity and the average within-plot diversity that represents the parametric analogue of Whittaker''s -diversity for data on species relative abundances.