The varieties of cognitive experience
I am grateful to Markate Daly for forcing me to clarify my concept of the relationship between experience and know-how. She may be correct in saying that "None of the passive endurings and sufferings, loves, enjoyments and imaginings of Dewey's conception can be characterized as a part of 'knowing how' as it is currently understood." But I think that there is a similarity between passive experience and active coping that distinguishes them both from the allegedly "objective" sense data that Dewey was rejecting. Experiences of love and suffering don't simply present themselves to us as independent entities. They are richly interwoven with each other and with the world, in much the same way as the connections between muscles and perceptual affordances. I tried to explain why I saw both emotions and knowing-how affordances to be governed by the same principles in the section of the paper dealing with Gibson, but of course there is still a great deal more to be said.