This paper tries to explore the phenomenon of meaning through an investigation of Jan Patočka’s asubjective phenomenology. Meaning, according to this author, is problematic: it lies neither at rest in the things themselves, nor is it merely subjective – a more or less arbitrary human imposition. Instead, meaning, like all phenomena, belongs to the “phenomenological field”, also encompassing those experiences typically called “subjective”. In this sense, meaning is relational, that is, it lies in the relation of “ having meaning for a subject”. Accordingly, it is dependent on a kind “openness” to meaning. “Care of the soul”, a term patočka takes over from the Ancient Greeks, is precisely a reflexive exercise upon this openness, this attunement to, ultimately, the very problematicity of meaning. This dynamic also seems to imply that meaning could be open to, not only unveiling, but to its (co-)creation.