The world of scholarship on Husserl’s phenomenology of inner timeconsciousness
is a small and very intense one. Most analyses focus either on
developments in Husserl’s earliest works, published in Hua. X (Bernet, 1985;
Brough, 1972), or on his latest writings on time, found in the unpublished
notes called the “C-manuscripts” (Held, 1966). Some compare these two periods,
and recently a small number of writings have appeared on Husserl’s
analyses found in what are called the “L-manuscripts”, which were written
between these two periods (Bernet and Lohmar, 2001). Although these latter
manuscripts were studied and written on prior to their publication in Hua.
XXXIII, they seemed to have gained renewed interest lately, once they became
more accessible. A few scholars may have worked through Husserl’s
writings on time from earliest through to the latest on their own; but fortunately
for everyone else, Toine Kortooms, in his Phenomenology of Time:
Edmund Husserl’s Analysis of Time-Consciousness, presents an analysis of
these works, from beginning to end, for us. His work at first appears primarily
exegetical and historical; however, Kortooms also introduces some significant
interpretations and arguments to the discussions on time-consciousness.