If objective physics is dependent on observer properties as Einstein showed, physical reality becomes an ‘interface reality'. Einstein's principle of observer-relativity is extended to micro motions in the observer. The resulting ‘micro relativity’ can be studied using model universes. In a classical billiard universe, the interface is characterized by ‘micro time reversals'. These time reversals cannot be ‘edited out'. They perturb every small-mass object to be observed. And they perturb every fast-moving object to be observed. The implied ‘action noise’ and a ‘velocity limit', respectively, are reminiscent of Planck's constant and the speed of light , in the real world. To check whether there exists a connection with the real world, the observer temperature can be inserted into the two fundamental constants h and c. This leads to a specific value for the ‘observer diameter’ . Search for a cell class clustered around this size in the brain would amount to a ‘Privacy-of-Physics test'. Four such ‘PoP tests’ can be indicated so far. The idea that certain relational properties of the world may be as observer-private as consciousness, is therefore falsifiable