O niektórych kategoriach ontycznych (Z zagadnień orzekania)
The problems investigated in the paper concern mainly the question: What do components of the predicative sentence „A is b” refer to? The following particular issues are considered: the Aristotelian distinction between particularity and ontic self-sufficiency; the interpretation of different kinds of predication based on that distinction; a debate on different standpoints in the controversy concerning the nature of the predicate referent, in particular a contemporary version of nominalism called The Resemblance Theory of Universals (with the related problem of the ontic status of the relation of temporal existence in general and different kinds of this relation; and finally different dimensions of the complexity of a thing. A former version of the paper was published in English in The Proceedings of The Second German-Polish Workshop on Logic and Logical Philosophy (Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, Toruń 1998)