The article is based on a doctoral research on reception in social work: « Client reception: an analyzer professional implications in social work. Socio-clinical research CCAS » (Rougerie, 2015). This research has for object the reception, worked from the analysis of the occupational implications of the employees. I approach the issue of collaborative research from the perspective of the researcher, the analysis of its involvement and of the effects among social workers, administrative staff or animation staff concerned and involved in the research in an establishment head of the french territorial civil service. The analysis of the involvement of the researcher participates in the participatory and collaborative dynamics voluntarily initiated through the search feature. The collaborative dimension to act in the negotiation of the work done on the ground. The posture of the researcher is then posed as the keystone to building the research collaboration. It hatched the search inquiry. This negotiation is involved in creating cooperative acting out between researcher and professional. Collaborative research becomes a space of co-construction of knowledge that has impact on professional practices as the researcher that the practitioner.It produces knowledge about the function of reception.