We, the Barbarians. Thoughts on the Italian Anomaly
If it seems, that we are losing the ght for morality from its very beginning, as our option remains at least the possibility to persist in a minimal resistance, to set a boundary to our tolerance. is is only a hope, but into this hope we pour our entire civil, civic indignation. A glutinous gelatin surrounds and pervades us, and yet we must realize that we are not passive subjects of a gelatinous power, although we can become its accomplices, if we give – maybe even completely automatically – our assent to this glue. How, wherefrom should we begin? We do not have political directives, we know only that barbarism is not simply somewhere outside, it works within ourselves, in our interior, many times with our consent. erefore, above all our way and style of living, something over which we still have inuence, is at stake