While specifications and verifications of concurrent systems employ Linear Temporal Logic , it is increasingly likely that logical consequence in image will be used in the description of computations and parallel reasoning. Our paper considers logical consequence in the standard image with temporal operations image and image . The prime result is an algorithm recognizing consecutions admissible in image, so we prove that image is decidable w.r.t. admissible inference rules. As a consequence we obtain algorithms verifying the validity of consecutions in image and solving the satisfiability problem. We start by a simple reduction of logical consecutions of image to equivalent ones in the reduced normal form . Then we apply a semantic technique based on image-Kripke structures with formula definable subsets. This yields necessary and sufficient conditions for a consecution to be not admissible in image. These conditions lead to an algorithm which recognizes consecutions admissible in image by verifying the validity of consecutions in special finite Kripke structures of size square polynomial in reduced normal forms of the consecutions. As a consequence, this also solves the satisfiability problem for image