The thesis of a hermeneuticHermeneutic perspective on validation in simulation has existed ever since Kleindorfer et al. published their overview of various positions in the philosophy of sciencePhilosophy of science. This chapter introduces the distinction between a hermeneuticsHermeneuticin validation and a hermeneutics of validationHermeneutics of validation. I argue that the hermeneutic perspective according to Kleindorfer, O’Neill and Ganeshan, which qualifies as a hermeneutics in validationHermeneutics in validation perspective, is rather fruitless. Instead, a hermeneutics of simulation validation is proposed on the basis of Gadamer’sGadamer philosophical hermeneutics. The goal of the hermeneutics of validation is to understand simulation validation. The challenge is to set up a hermeneutic situationHermeneutical situation in the first place. Hermeneutic aims to demonstrate how simulation validation is historically situated, revealing the hidden prejudicePrejudice Judgement in validating, and distinguishing between legitimate prejudice and prejudice that has to be overcome. Understanding simulation validation is a dialogic, practical, situated activity.