In the 21st Century, Modern Japanese Philosophy is a subject broadly studied in Thailand. However, many of Thai students and scholars are still confused about Modern Japanese Philosophy. This article has 2objectives 1.) To provide an argument on Modern Japanese Philosophers to clarify the scope of understanding that leads to distinguishing between what modern Japanese Philosophy is and what generally for others context of Japan 2.) To motivate for doing Modern Japanese Philosophy regarding today’s digitalized and globalized environment. Facing and acknowledging the present reality, thinkers are looking “deep within” for philosophy to recollect and retrieve it for human beings, who think while living and live while thinking. The very act of living originally entails the act of philosophizing Nishida Kitaro, a father of Modern Japanese Philosophy Thought about “what it means to be a Modern Japanese Philosophy?”. Globalization noted that each culture must fully develop its uniqueness to become a meaningful constituent of the larger digital and global world. If each culture instead of diluting itself, unfolds itself in a more“universal” way, the more global significance will contribute. This article is carefully philosophized and analyzed. It is a welcome addition to the field of intercultural and Modern Japanese Philosophy. It also will be recommended for all students of philosophy, religious studies, researchers, and teachers in these fields for effective learning, teaching, and research in Modern Japanese Philosophy in the digital era and globalization