Precisely due to the ubiquity of the logic in the human activity, the field has constituted a temptation for researchers in the area of mathematics, cybernetics and even artificial intelligence, fields that gradually take over logic from the hands of philosophers, articulating it as a new organon of science, in its attempt to formalize and even digitize the real. This exile of logic in the space of digitizing the real places philosophical logic in a cone of undeserved obscurity. It is therefore a necessary repair brought to the prestige of logic, each book that reinstates logic in the horizon of philosophy and argumentation, as in the current volume. The approach initiated by the authors is that to explicit the mechanisms of thinking through logical-formal instruments – this – ensures Sorin Tudor Maxim and Marius Costel Esi – trains thinking into a process of interpreting reality, or in other words, establishing the meaning. This paper is a book review of the volume Elemente de logica si teoria argumentarii, authors Professor PhD Sorin–Tudor MAXIM, Lecturer PhD Marius-Costel EsI, publishes in Iasi, Romania, at Lumen Publishing House.