Volumetric cyberattacksCyberattacks \b powered by the Internet of Things IoT cause critical damage and lead to a significant negative impact on critical infrastructures, such as electricity, telecommunication and water supply. We saw recent evidence of volumetric attacks on the power grid in Ukraine, which left consumers without power for a period of 1–6 h. The volume of an attack depends on the size of the network that attacks the networks, and the resulting attacks can leave catastrophic disruptions of critical infrastructure services for millions of people. Furthermore, since the IoT networks contain numerous vulnerable-interconnected devices used by attackers to form an IoT-powered botnet to maximise the volume and intensity of an attack, the need for protecting critical infrastructure increases due to the catastrophic nature of the attacks. This chapter investigates a system called SeddulbahirSeddulbahir \b, which is a Firewall-as-a-ServiceFirewall as a Service technology that was developed for the security market. It is one of the newest technologies to counter the IoT-powered cyberattacks; it provides support to cope with the IoT-based threats and vulnerabilities. Later sections of this chapter also elaborate on the previous efforts and solutions used to detect and prevent IoT-based botnets. Finally, the deployment progress, detection, mitigation and various other features of the proposed FaaS technology, and Seddulbahir, in particular, are also elaborated in this contribution.