The Earth is a Living Being: We have to treat her as such!
The earth is not just a piece of rock, water and soil; she is a living being. This fact is demonstrated by millennia of her life‘s history, growing in ages, having tempers, moods and seasons, and allowing all forms of life living on her and interacting with them and their interactions. Recent natural disasters and accidents, caused by humans in their drive to cultivate and to control, have again brought the powers of the earth and the land to our attention. A new dimension in the visions and virtues of cultivation needs to extend on a global scale the Hippocratic ‗do no harm‘ virtue and principle from the singular doctor-patient interaction towards all forms of life, including the life of the earth.This paper interprets the Bioethical Imperative, developed by Fritz Jahr in 1927, into land ethics and earth ethics; it also discusses the concept of cultural geography of Ernst Kapp, 1845 in Germany, and the land ethics of Aldo Leopold, 1949 in the USA. Of particular new moral and cultural concern is the risk of radiation to the genetic heritage of all forms of life, to livable biotopes and interactive environments. The Bioethical Imperative includes Land Ethics and the Earth: ―Respect mother earth with all her forms of life, whether natural or man-made, basically as goals in themselves and treat them, if possible, as such.‖“The guiding rule for our actions may be the Bioethical Demand: Respect every living being on principle as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such!”- Fritz Jahr