Marquard wrote this book in 1963 as a Habilitation Thesis with Hegel scholar Joachim Ritter under the title “On depotentiation [Depotentialisierung] of transcendental philosophy—some philosophical motives of a recent pyschologism in philosophy.” He elaborates the thesis that one aspect of the attractiveness of Freud’s psychoanalysis is its relationship with the transcendental natural philosophy of German Idealism: both classical philosophy of nature in German Idealism and Freud’s psychoanalysis, de-potentiate transcendental philosophy. As the philosophy of nature in Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel is not widely known, Freud’s psychoanalysis makes the transcendental arguments against transcendentalism indirectly present, according to Marquard. In publishing the Habilitation project of 1963 in 1987, 24 years after its original concept was drafted, the thesis does not address the fashion fads of Freudianism in the Federal Republic of Germany during the last 20 years in the form of Freudian Marxism directly, rather it allows a critical and fresh look at the left-Hegelian Freud reception during those years indirectly, presenting the old thesis of 1963 in a 1987 perspective.