Sociologia della religione e verità
The Sociology of religion, like other sciences, has the objective of pursuing and finding the truth of the phenomenon it studies, not so much in reference to the reality of the noumenon but rather in the veracity of the relative psycho-sociological mediations, as direct object of its approach. Thus it contributes to the complete and concrete knowledge of its own contents and of those, it shares with other sciences . Such perspective is tested by its history and proved by the epistemological precedences, but also by the present applications. For this reason, the sociology of religion demands a rigorous application: from the operazionality of the concepts, to the characterization of the dimensions, till the structural, dynamic and relational features of its own content. It finds therefore the effectiveness of its method: by getting the 'constants' and 'regularities' of the manifestations of the 'religious phenomenon', evidencing the objectivity as predicate of truth of the mediations and by putting into effect the perspective of validation or of the falsification of its results