Long ago B. Xiberta surveyed the ideas and works of the Carmelite theologians of the 14th century and attempted to place them in the context of their more famous Dominican, Franciscan, and Augustinian contemporaries. This article resumes Xiberta’s effort by examining the positions of the Parisian Carmelites Gerard of Bologna and Guy Terrena on the problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingents, defended in works composed in 1313-1320. While the Dominicans argued amongst themselves – usually against Durand of St Pourçain – about the meaning of Thomas Aquinas’ opinion, and the Franciscans all attacked Thomas and mostly followed John Duns Scotus’ alterative theory, Gerard and Guy offered independent and critical responses to both Aquinas and Scotus. The article, which also discusses chronological and textual issues, concludes with critical editions of the pertinent questions from Gerard’s Summa theologiae and Guy’s Quodlibeta.