Predicting Events Without Miracle Neurons: Towards a Sober Consideration of Brain Data
Open peer commentary on the target article “How and Why the Brain Lays the Foundations for a Conscious Self” by Martin V. Butz. Excerpt: Surprisingly, the paper entirely neglects the issue of the dynamic properties of our environment. Focusing on (static, inanimate) objects only, it fails to acknowledge that anticipation becomes especially relevant when things around us change without being under our control: this is when we are forced to adapt quickly to new circumstances. To estimate as precisely as necessary what will when be where is of vital meaning. Surprisingly though, this issue is not addressed at all. Although it is acknowledged that the environment contains dynamics that are to be predicted somehow (§3) and that have to be represented in the brain somehow (§28), concepts about and empirical data on the prediction of external events are not dealt with further.