Let M be a short extender mouse. We prove that if $E\in M$ and $M\models $ “E is a countably complete short extender whose support is a cardinal $\theta $ and $\mathcal {H}_\theta \subseteq \mathrm {Ult}(V,E)$ ”, then E is in the extender sequence $\mathbb {E}^M$ of M. We also prove other related facts, and use them to establish that if $\kappa $ is an uncountable cardinal of M and $\kappa ^{+M}$ exists in M then $(\mathcal {H}_{\kappa ^+})^M$ satisfies the Axiom of Global Choice. We prove that if M satisfies the Power Set Axiom then $\mathbb {E}^M$ is definable over the universe of M from the parameter $X=\mathbb {E}^M\!\upharpoonright \!\aleph _1^M$, and M satisfies “Every set is $\mathrm {OD}_{\{X\}}$ ”. We also prove various local versions of this fact in which M has a largest cardinal, and a version for generic extensions of M. As a consequence, for example, the minimal proper class mouse with a Woodin limit of Woodin cardinals models “ $V=\mathrm {HOD}$ ”. This adapts to many other similar examples. We also describe a simplified approach to Mitchell–Steel fine structure, which does away with the parameters $u_n$.