William James’s historic fascination with psychic phenomena,
including the possibility of life after death, has become more
widely known with the publication of recent books and articles on this
controversial aspect of his scientific legacy. However, little is known
about the emerging evidence suggesting the possibility that James’s
scientific interest in these topics has not waned since he died. This
paper reviews preliminary observations, including two exploratory
double-blinded mediumship investigations, which are consistent with
the hypothesis that James (with others) may be continuing his lifelong
quest to address the question of the survival of consciousness after
physical death ‘from the other side’. These proof-of-concept investigations illustrate how future systematic laboratory research is possible. The limitations of current neuroscience methods are explicated in terms of investigating the hypothesis of the brain as a possible antenna-receiver for consciousness. If James’s tentative conclusions about the nature of the relationship between consciousness and the brain turn out to be accurate, then it is logically plausible (if not essential) to posit the possibility that his efforts have persisted in the recent past and present, and may even continue in the future. Scientific integrity plus the pursuit of verity require our being open to this important theoretical and empirical possibility