Clarifying the task
Those who would enquire into therelationship between health conceptions and health care consequences are faced with a formidable task. In order to make this challenge manageable it is necessary to define the scope of the task as precisely as possible. Are we, for instance, faced with a purely theoretical challenge; a task for applied philosophy, or must we employ multi-disciplinary methods?This paper argues that while philosophy has a central clarifying role, inquiry into the relationship between health conceptions and health care organisation can be done properly only through the combined efforts of several disciplines. Unless we are to be concerned only with abstract models it is essential to take account of the reality of health care situations. Given this it is suggested that the study of health conceptions is only a part of a greater task (unless all conceptions are to count as health conceptions). What is needed is understanding of the possible and actual purposes of health care, and detailed study of their practical implications.