Kant 41 (4):202-205 (
The purpose of the study to characterize the qualitative features of interpersonal, generalized and institutional trust characteristic of the socio-political and socio-economic life of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Scientific novelty. Philosophical problems of social trust of ethnic groups and associations historically living in certain territories are one of the urgent and insufficiently studied problems in the circles of scientists and practitioners of the humanities. The culturalist and structural approaches to explaining the reasons for low trust indicators, which is one of the key factors of insufficient organizational complexity of economically backward regions, are compared. The advantage of the structural theory of trust of Apostolis Papakostos is proved. As a result, the conclusion is made about the positive prospects for the application of the concept of "structural skepticism" within the framework of the program for expanding the scale of organizational complexity of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic in order to increase the indicators of its socio-economic development.