Granì 18 (5):53-57 (
The article analyzes the relationship during the formation of human and professional values of students in the process of social interaction with the immediate environment over a period of a young man getting education. The author examines R. Inhelhart’s hypothesis about a radical change of values, S. Flanagan’s attitudes of the existence of not one but two values planes in the public mind, identifies a number of problems that affect the young people integration into social structures and processes. Attention is paid to the fact that the processes of social postmodernization also enhances differentiation, which further exacerbates the problem of labor socialization and integration. Given this, it is necessary to talk about the need to overcome dezintegrating trends and out of the conflict within specific social groups (firstly in betweengenerational sence). Analyzing thoughts T. Parsons, it’s stated that we can not speak about the integrative processes in this case, because the state of integration requires a comfortable conflictfree relations within the social system, the main essential characteristics which recognized «stability» and «social order». Designated by us social processes contrary deepen conflicts in the social system (due to decreased demand for labor in the crisis economies, which include the economy of Ukraine). This lack of integration makes impossible for the youth to compete at the labor market. So obviously there are (or should be) other relatively conflictfree forms of social interaction, social integration to work and labor socialization. Thus the processes of social postmodernization also enhance differentiation, which further exacerbates the problem of labor socialization and integration. Also it becomes important to maintain the integrity and stability of society as a whole by searching systemforming integrative social mechanisms. Obviously the deficit labor (which became a deficit due to the economic crisis) can not be such resources. Therefore, handling the inevitable social conflicts (conflicts) should act the main determinant of stabilization. It notes that generally responsible for unsuccessful integration processes rely on social institution of education that does not create sufficient conditions for the implementation of young people professional opportunities (gives lowquality knowledge, does not provide a good practice, etc.), prevents its fulfillment, thus contributing to its social exclusion.