Jainism is distinctly Sramanic and a living religion purely indigenous to India. It has enriched world culture in many ways. As a religion, it is distinct from Brahmanism and Buddhism. Its tenets are rational and eternal. In the present paper, an attempt is made to present unique tenets of Jainism - as a Sraman tradition. Lord Mahavira represents Jain tradition of India and that of non-violence. Though he preached 2600 years ago, his preaching is relevant even today. Jainism as a philosophy and culture as a view of reality and way of life has made significant contributions to world thought. In the sphere of Logic and epistemology, it has developed the doctrine of Non-absolutism or manifoldness of reality and knowledge. In the field of metaphysics, it gives an ultimate analysis of the Universe scientifically. It is the most consistent form of realism and pluralism. In the ethical sphere, it gives a comprehensive code of conduct. For harmonious and peaceful living, it proclaims potential of human being to achieve divinity through practice of morality. A creator God has no place in Jainism. Sraman tradition insists on higher ethical life, self-effort, self-discipline and self-help to realize the ultimate goal, namely liberation. The term ‘Jainism’ is indicative of the destruction of passions and attainment of supreme purification based on equanimity. It is the faith that derives its name from ‘Jin’ – the conqueror- of passions. I have tried to focus on some of the key-concepts as follows: 1) Jain theory of Reality, 2) Jain epistemology; Doctrine of multiple vision or theory of relativity, 3) Ethics, 4) Jain atheism. The paper attempts to highlight different aspects of Jainism.