Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-3247-7/14/10$15.00.Partitioned Global Address Space languages and one-sided communication enable application developers to select the communication paradigm that balances the performance needs of applications with the productivity desires of programmers. In this paper, we evaluate three different one-sided communication paradigms in the context of geometric multigrid using the miniGMG benchmark. Although miniGMG's static, regular,and predictable communication does not exploit the ultimate potential of PGAS models, multigrid solvers appear in many contemporary applications and represent one of the most important communication patterns. We use UPC++, a PGAS extension of C++, as the vehicle for our evaluation, though our work is applicable to any of the existing PGAS languages and models. We compare performance with the highly tuned MPI baseline, and the results indicate that the most promising approach towards achieving performance and ease of programming is to use high-level abstractions, such as the multidimensional arrays provided by UPC++, that hide data aggregation and messaging in the runtime library. 2014 Association for Computing Machinery.