Project Based- Learning is one of teaching technique where the students work in group project and it is required students for designing, planning, and carrying out an extended project that produces a publicly- exhibited output such as a product, publication, or presentation. Problem Based Learning is a learning method through which the learners gain and develop upper level skills such as problem solving and critical thinking while eliciting information from personal real life experiences and acquiring determinate knowledge about their own learning. PBL has gained much currency among educators not only as a teaching approach but also as a radical philosophy that seeks to change the theory of teaching and learning. It is described as the most outstanding educational innovation in the 20th century. In this regard, the strength of the PBL approach resides in the following points: relying on a reliable theory in the field of cognitive psychology; calling for an active and central role of students; minimizing the over-dominant role of instructors; advocating self and peer assessment instead of teacher's assessment; fostering students' critical and creative thinking; relating learning to real world problems; and enhancing students' motivation.