Critiquing the ontology of essence, Gilles Deleuze, in the Logic of Sense, provides an “ontology of sense” in which the notion of ‘sense’ as its central point is developed to establish a connection between thought and existence. Employing Stoic logic and concepts such as lekta, event, effect, expression, etc., and also applying Leibniz’s concepts of convergence and divergence relation between series of singularities- events, he presents his new ontology. This paper, aims to examine the notion of ‘sense’ in Deleuze’s Logic of Sense and provide an account for his conception of ‘Ontology of Sense’. So, after a glimpse at the ground which it grows and departs from, we go further to determine the topology of sense in Deleuze’s thought and get closer to understanding his ontology of sense, by making its connections with other concepts and ideas. Finally, we hope these steps could illuminate the relation between language and existence in Deleuzian philosophy.