new delhi: Satyam Publishing House (
"Darshanika Cintan ke Vividha Āyāma" (Diverse dimensions of philosophical thinking), is a compilation book of various research articles in which the discursive diversity of philosophy is reflected. On the one hand, it pursues the basic problems of philosophy, such as the relevance of philosophy, the nature and justification of metaphysics, the metaphysical analysis of the nature of value, etc., while on the other hand, it Is involved in the analysis and testing of the concept of life-world, globalization and multiculturalism, environmental ethics and applied ethics etc. Proper analysis and evaluation of the most important problems of Indian epistemology, for example, the idea of syntax (Vākyārtha Vicāra), Prāmanyavāda , and the issue of evidential implication (Pramānatarabhāva), has been heuristically presented. Some lively topics of contemporary Indian philosophy like Logical conclusion of Manvendra Nath Roy's materialism, Kant's influence on contemporary Indian philosophy, Post-independence Indian philosophical thinking, and the future form of Indian philosophy are included. There is a unique combination of linguistic beauty and clarity, systematic presentation, critical attitude and philosophical insight in the writings of the author duo. This is undoubtedly a valuable work which deserves to be welcomed by teachers, scholars and students of philosophy.