Our everyday language is drenched with terms and labels that refer to the social groups that are distinguished in our world. This influences the way we interact with ourselves and others. In this paper I discuss (1) how closely intertwined this labeling is with our nature as linguistic beings, what we should think (2) of our widespread and deeply entrenched inclination to socially categorize ourselves and others vis-a-vis (3) the harm it does according to an enormous amount of literature that has appeared in the past decades. In my discussion I steer clear of the heated discussion surrounding wokeness and the so-called culture wars, but discuss some of the tensions beneath it. My discussion is aimed at those who do not exactly know how to relate to the increased and omnipresent social categorisation in our daily practices, but would prefer to approach one another outside of those categories, aware of the potential harm it might do. I conclude with a short reflection on the notions of playfulness and symmetry, and how these might help us improve our attitude towards the other.