The undertaken considerations, with analyzing Stanislaw Kaminski’s thought on the influence of philosophy on theology in logical and epistemological aspect, aim at answering a question: what kind of philosophy does theology need? If supernatural knowledge wants to be scientific, it should use philosophy which is the natural knowledge explaining reality. Philosophical knowledge, achieved through general and abstract terms, provides theology with terms for explaining religious faith. While various philosophical systems try to explain reality, it does not mean that all of them are accepted by theology. With analyzing theological language, theological conclusions, and the evolution of doctrines, S. Kaminski proves that theology needs such philosophical terms which efficiently enable to know reality. Kaminski accepts such a philosophy which investigates real being in the broadest extent, and looks for the ultimate reasons of a being outside a being itself. This philosophy is to be open to the transcendent reality, and assist in understanding the rationality of faith. Nothing but the realistic philosophy of being (i.e. metaphysics) is able to harmonize natural and supernatural knowledge, and show faith as a complement of human reason.