This longitudinal study (1994-1996) used the Gordon Personality Inventory to measure nursing students’ self-image (Gordon A), self-values (Gordon B) and interpersonal values (Gordon C). It was performed with students from three colleges of health in the south of Sweden: Jönköping ( n = 54), Växjö ( n = 24) and Kristianstad ( n = 38). The null hypothesis of the study was that the new academic three-year programme did not have the power to change significantly the students’ self-image and professional values. The hypothesis was tested by paired sample Student’s t-test. The result was that, at Jönköping, self-image changed and increased significantly in the dimensions of ‘cautiousness’ and ‘personal relations’, and decreased in ‘sociability’, and increased in the self-value ‘order’. At Växjö the self-image dimensions of ‘original thinking’ and ‘personal relations’ increased, and, at Kristianstad, the students increased their self-image scores in ‘responsibility’.