[author unknown]
Teaching and preaching the New Testament. By A. M. Hunter. Pp. 191, London, SCM, 1963, 21s. The New Testament in Current Study. By Reginald H. Fuller. The Gospel according to St Mark. By Alexander Jones. The Justice of God in the Teaching of Jesus. By J. Arthur Baird. The Christology of the New Testament. By Oscar Cullmann. L'Apocalypse. By André Feuillet. L'Église duns la Bible. Communications présenées a la xviie réunion annuelle de I'ACEBAC. Saint Basil. Exegetic Homilies. Translated by Sister Agnes Clare Way, c.d.p. Studies in Pastoral Liturgy, Volume Two. Edited by Vincent Ryan. The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman. Volume XIV. Papal Aggression, July 1850 to December 1851. Edited by Charles Stephen Dessain of the Birmingham Oratory and Vincent Ferrer Blehl, s.j. The Spirituality of the Mass in the Light of Thomistic Theology. By Adolph D. Frenay, o.p. The Honest to God Debate. Edited by David L. Edwards. Zur Situation der Kirche. By Ignaz Zangerle. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. Vol. XXXVII: Philosophy in a Pluralistic Society. Edited by Leo A. Foley and George F. McLean. Die Philosophie der Technik bei Friedrich Dessauer, ihre Entwicklung, Motive und Grenzen. By Klaus Tuchel. Minds and Machines Edited by Alan Ross Anderson.