The influence of AI has spread globally, intriguing both the East and the West. As a result, some Chinese scholars have explored how AI and Chinese philosophy can be examined together, and have offered some unique insights into AI from a Chinese philosophical perspective. Similarly, we investigate how the two fields can be developed in conjunction, focusing on the popular Confucian philosophy. In this work, we use Confucianism as a philosophical foundation to investigate human-technology relations closely, proposing that a Confucian-imbued AI would reduce prevalent AI ethical issues. Through this discussion, the strong substantivist stance that we will lose control over AI is refuted. We then discuss the practical elements of this project, explaining how passages from the Confucian text of the Analects can be incorporated into AI systems. As an example of a real-world context, psychology is used to demonstrate how the project could be practically applied. Potential criticisms surrounding the proposed project are also identified and challenged. By reducing the negative effects of common AI ethical issues and utilising Confucian principles from The Analects, AI systems can be more ethical, promoting peaceful relations between humans and technology.