This manuscript puts forth the contention that our consciousness resembles and reflects an all-pervading universal consciousness that was born from the manifestation of energy as the monadic agent of our universe. It relates that in the beginning, when energy kinetically came into being, it created, or distributed itself, into three derivative dimensions; that of space-time, materiality and consciousness.
The definition of consciousness herein is that it is constituted from phenomenal attributes that are inherent within space, time and materiality (the other two, dimensional derivatives of energy). Without those attributes (otherwise known as qualia), the universe could not exist – it would be impotent of any ability to have causes and effects, since nothing that existed would have any properties with which to bring about causes on each other. Everything would be the same and thus have no ability to influence or change anything else.
The sum total of all attributes is effectually the consciousness of the physical world. By “tapping into” those attributes, we, through Will (attention), cognition and recognition, accrue to ourselves; consciousness. Therein lies the reflection of the universe, of the physical and phenomenal world. There is a good rendition of a flow chart showing this on page 89.
I find that the best way for me to bring out the features and concepts of these theories is to compare and at times contrast, my theories to those of other notable authors on this subject. In this manuscript I analyze the ideas from a number of authors. Significantly from two of them – David Chalmers and Emanuel Kant. The form I take is to quote the authors in non-italicized type and to place my comments in italicized type.
It is my hope and belief that by adhering to the conception of an externally conscious universe, which is responsible for our selfhood, we will begin to unite the worlds of physics with that of the phenomenal world, which is so obviously as great of a part of reality as physics is. This I believe is a key step toward finally devising a theory of everything – a true unification of our understanding of reality, its laws and its functioning.