Mirko Canevaro and Edward Harris, in their recent CQ article , have rejected, as forgeries or reconstructions of post-classical origin, all the laws and decrees appearing in the text of Andocides' speech On the Mysteries and purporting to be the documents which the speaker, at six points in that passage, directs the clerk to read out. I have no quarrel with their arguments for rejecting the documents presented as the decree of Patroclides , the decree of Tisamenus , and a series of new laws passed in 403/2 b.c. – though in this last case, with the exception of one phrase, the genuineness of the laws themselves is confirmed by the fact that they are cited verbatim by the orator in the surrounding text . I shall be concerned here only with the last document of the group, a decree ascribed to Demophantus , which C&H discuss at pp. 119–25