Purpose. the main factors determining the effectiveness of the political leader in the concept of political leadership F. Fiedler. Realization of this goal involves the following tasks: - Define content model mating conditions; - Highlight key characteristics of a political leader in leadership theory F. Fiedler; - Found the variables that determine the degree of control situation by political leader; - Characterized types of political leader in the theory of F. Fiedler; - Defined when as one type oj political leadership is more effective than another. So, in terms of F. Fiedler, its method of preparation leader proved to be effective, requires excessive costs and provide long-term effect. Other scholars argue that because the method of achieving compliance with the requirements of the leaders associated with the use of models of connected conditions, it is therefore based on an unstable foundation. The model uses three circumstances connected situational variables that make it possible to determine the degree of ease or controlled situation for the leadership style of political leadership. The scientist has identified three main variables that reflect control situation Leader: relationship «leader-follower» of structured and formal power. The first variable reflects the level of loyalty, trust, support and respect, manifested follower with respect to the leader. The second variable reflects the level of structuring group solved problems or performed its tasks and measured using the following components: clarity of purpose, a plurality of means to achieve the goal, the validity of the decision, specificity decision. The third variable reflects the level of formal power leader, received it from occupied positions in the organization. It is much harder to teach how to become an effective leader than to change the situation in which the leader. However, through training and experience is still possible to improve the ability of the leader to use the power and influence to promote the best possible conditions. This means that the training program can be useful leader-oriented relationship. But at the same time, it can cause harm to the leader-oriented work.