Philosophy in Process, Vol. III: March-November 1964 [Book Review]
This is the third volume of Weiss' philosophical journal. The first two volumes, published in 1966, cover 1955 to 1964. The philosophy on these pages is only "in process" in the sense that it is the kind of thinking-out-loud that is not afraid to go back and amend itself in the light of something just considered. Other than that, it reads more like the rich harvest of a ripe mind setting out to reflect on what it thinks to be important at the moment. Each entry is a freely flowing but usually unified essay whose topic is revealed in the first few sentences. Often one day's entry will pick up on a theme touched upon the previous day. The topics range from complex and technical philosophical and metaphysical ones to occasional issues of broader concern like education, employment, welfare, civil rights, mental illness, and even jokes. There is frequent comment and sometimes second thoughts about Weiss' previous books. The language and categories of Modes of Being run through many of the entries as they deal with traditional metaphysical problems concerning being, God, substance, existence, actuality, the one and the many, etc. The index is painstakingly prepared, and each pair of pages has a heading indicating the general topic being discussed there.--S. O. H.