The purpose of this case study is to document the development and testing of a gender-sensitive tool for impact evaluation of agricultural technology appropriate to conditions in Kenya. This tool, a modified Gender Analysis Matrix (GAM), was tested by KARI researchers from Kisii Regional Research Center and during an ex-ante evaluation of introduced pest-resistant cassava varieties in Migori district. Eight aspects of cassava production - labour, time, tools, land, cash, funds, food and social standing were included in the matrix. Men and women of different age categories examined these for possible changes in access to and control over the resources. Results indicated that as a result of the new technology, labour burdens would increase for young men and women of all categories while control over their labor will decrease. Conversely, it is anticipated that adult men will provide less labour, have greater access and exert more control over the resource in nearly all resource categories. Adult women stand to gain more access to most of the resources investigated, but it was unclear whether there would be an increase in control over these resources, especially land and cash. These and other results obtained directly from farmers and analyzed using the GAM during the exercise gave researchers a clear understanding of differential impacts of this new technology on men and women farmers. The case discusses the utility of this gender-sensitive approach in ex ante impact of this and other technology. It also offers conclusions and recommendations for the use of the tool.