The essence of the theory of social crises and revolutions by P. Shtomky is revealed. According to him, today, to replace the theory of progress the theory crisis came, because since the fall of utopian human thinking stayed only the uncertainty in the future, its unpredictability. In these circumstances, the future is very limited open chance and random development. Crisis of thinking characteristic of social consciousness, which dominated pessimistic view of social reality, not only in underdeveloped and poor countries, but also in leading and prosperous state. Particular emphasis on crisis communications and traditions. During the crisis, declining the usual rules, regulations and laws, discredited the ruling elite and discarded tradition and therefore the role of the charismatic leader. In such situations, people used to believe only those who are not related to an existing order, which is defined as the product of tradition. In the theory of crises P. Sztompka important place is given to the revolution as the peak moments of social crisis. The main «mystery» of the revolution is its unpredictability. This problem is broken down into two points: the onset of the revolution prediction and prediction of outcome post-revolutionary social order. P. Sztompka proves the impossibility of predicting the revolutions that even if science can predict a revolution, it will make more active defenders of the old regime that will prevent its implementation. However, if the revolution crossed the point of no return, then there is nothing to prevent it fails. Applying synehretychnyy approach defined the crisis and revolution are the bifurcation point - the moment when the dynamics of change requires a solution, so that changes can lead to improvement or a disaster.