Stephen Buckle - The Scottish Enlightenment: Essays in Reinterpretation - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.3 404-405 Book Review The Scottish Enlightenment: Essays in Reinterpretation Paul Wood, editor. The Scottish Enlightenment: Essays in Reinterpretation. Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2000. Pp. xi + 399. Cloth, $75.00. This significant new collection of essays divides into three categories. The first, comprising essays by John Robertson, Charles Withers, and Richard Sher, addresses the continuing controversy over the nature of the Scottish Enlightenment. The second—essays by Anita Guerrini, Fiona MacDonald, and John Wright—are more empirical, but all revolve around questions of medicine and science in the period. The third—essays by James..