Most e-commerce platforms allow consumers to post product reviews, causing more and more consumers to get into the habit of reading reviews before they buy. These online reviews serve as an emotional feedback of consumers’ product experience and contain a lot of important information, but inevitably there are malicious or irrelevant reviews. It is especially important to discover and identify the real sentiment tendency in online reviews in a timely manner. Therefore, a deep learning-based real online consumer sentiment classification model is proposed. First, the mapping relationship between online reviews of goods and sentiment features is established based on expert knowledge and using fuzzy mathematics, thus mapping the high-dimensional original text data into a continuous low-dimensional space. Secondly, after obtaining local contextual features using convolutional operations, the long-term dependencies between features are fully considered by a bidirectional long- and short-term memory network. Then, the degree of contribution of different words to the text is considered by introducing an attention mechanism, and a regular term constraint is introduced in the objective function. The experimental results show that the proposed convolutional attention–long and short-term memory network model has a higher test accuracy of 83.3% compared with other models, indicating that the model has better classification performance.