Dharma is the road for both the individual and the social progress in the world. It is fundamental for the growth of the individual and thereby for the society. In this paper, I propose to discuss the above mentioned topic under the following heads: 1) Dharma – its connotation - literally meaning “that which upholds, supports or maintains the regulatory order of the universe. It also refers to the righteousness and duty of humans towards oneself, society and the universe at large. 2) Dharma – its classification - according to the Indian tradition and philosophy, Samanya and Visesha, i.e. general and specific duties, depending on the functionality, taking into consideration the unity as well as diversity among human beings. 3) Dharma - its application - the individual’s practice of values such as truth, righteousness, harmony, kindness, love, non-violence, etc., is made possible only as a member of the society. These values pursed by the individuals have social significance for they are practiced to help others and thereby help themselves. When an individual discards this fundamental principle, life becomes meaningless, and the society chaotic. The scriptural clarion call to Dharma is but to feed the roots of integrity in our lives.