IEEE 2 (2):1-6 (
Coronavirus disease has a crisis with high spread
throughout the world during the COVID19 pandemic period.
This disease can be easily spread to a group of people and
increase the spread. Since it is a worldly disease and not plenty
of vaccines available, social distancing is the only best approach
to defend against the pandemic situation. All the affected
countries' governments declared locked-down to implement
social distancing. This social separation and persons not being
in a mass group can slow down the spread of COVID19. It
reduces the physical contact between infected persons and
normal healthy persons. Almost every health organization tells
that to follow social distancing people should maintain at least 6
feet of distance from each other. This research proposes a deep
learning approach for social distancing which is developed for
tracking and detecting people who are in indoor as well as
outdoor scenarios using YOLO V3 video analytic technique.
This approach focuses to inspect whether the people are
maintaining social distancing in many areas, using surveillance
video with measuring the distance in real-time performance.
Most of the early studies of detecting social distance monitoring
were based on GPS for tracking the movements of people where
the signals could be lost. On the other hand, some countries use
drones to detect large gatherings of people who cannot have a
clear view at night times [10]. In the future, the proposed system
can be used fully for detecting threats in the public crowded or
it can detect any person affected by critical situations (ie
fainting, Cordia arrest) or planting the crops in the forms evenly
with a uniform measurement. This proposal could be used in
many fields like crowd analysis, autonomous vehicles, and
human action recognition and could help the government
authorities to redesign the public place layout and take
precautionary action in the risk zones. This system analyses the
social distancing of people by calculating the distance between
people to slow downing the spread of the COVID 19 virus.