Role of Self-Purity in Acquiring Knowledge in Mulla Sadra's View
The relationship between knowledge and ethics is one of the important issues that has always been discussed in epistemology. The effect of self-purity on the quality of knowledge acquisition is also one of the interesting and fundamental subjects in this regard. In this research, after a general study of the views of Muslim philosophers concerning knowledge and the quality of attaining perception, it becomes clear that the truth of knowledge is ontological in nature and is emanated from the world above to man's heart . A study of Mulla Sadra's works reveals that perception is attained at three sense, imaginal, and rational stages through unity with imaginal forms and the immaterial intellect. In doing so, some obstacles such as the love of worldly affairs and soulish desires block the necessary potential for attaining true knowledge. Finally, the writer introduces the purification of the soul as the most important factor in attaining certainty