This chapter elaborates the psychology of Nietzsche's motif of escape from self with the help of the views of Alfred Adler, Erich Fromm, and Karen Horney. It summarizes the root cause of failure of self‐love on this Nietzschean psychology. The chapter also focuses on four major types of distortion, which provide the main themes of the Genealogy of Morals. These are the perversion of cruelty, the neurosis of cruel punitivism, the neurosis of resentment, and the resignatory neurosis of the ascetic ideal. In all four areas, virtue can be understood as having at its core self‐affirmation or self‐love, and vice self‐hate and escape from self. That is, at a depth psychological level, virtue can be seen as expressive of a self‐loving attitude and vice the reverse. The existentialist motif of escape from self has in Nietzsche's hands been transformed into a characterological psychology at home in virtue ethics.