IX. Mantık Çalıştayı Kitabı (
In this study, the aim is to view on the ‘Being, Nothing and Becoming’ that takes place at the beginning of ‘The Doctrine of Being’ which is the first book of Hegel’s Science of Logic. Even if the main issue is the ‘Being, Nothing and Becoming’, it is considered within a holistic view. İt is the important to carry out the aim of this study that some questions are need to be asked and answered in order to make real having a holistic view considered. These questions: (1) Why does The Science of Logic start with ‘Being’?, (2) What is ‘being’?, (3) What does to happen the ‘nothing’ from ‘being’ mean? How does it happen?, (4) What is ‘nothing’?, (5) What does to happen the ‘becoming’ from ‘being’ and ‘nothing’ mean? How does it happen?, (6) What is becoming? In the study, it is aimed that to proceed with the answers of these questions. The other part of the study is to view on a deep comprehension which provides to answer the questions mentioned above. At this point, it benefits from explanations on understanding, dialectic and speculation taken place at 79.-82. paragraphs of Logic which is the first book of Hegel’s Encyclopedia. At this context, an aim occurs to ask and answer some questions like: (a) What is ‘understanding’?, (b) What is ‘dialectic’?, (c) What is ‘speculation’? In conclusion, the final aim is to explain why Hegel’s proceeds with these like this way –not like another way– and how is to proceed with these like this way.