Ethical issues of nations are not just a simple and desirable topic in moral and political philosophy. On the one hand, we would like to address general and important topics that are less controversial, and therefore the topic of the nation does not suit us very well. On the other hand, since the end of the First World War, we have been divided into nation states, especially in the European context, as the conquest of a national self-determined movement. In the political space of a unifying Europe, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, there was again talk of the nation as a restrictive, even unsatisfactory concept of future development. However, the ensuing wave of nationalism, even in the great states of the world, shows a phenomenon that is not so easy to circumvent. It was in the 1990s that several personalities tried to take a stand on the importance of nations for the future of human development. Pope John Paul II of Poland was one of them.